Bangalore to Kolkata trains – all trains are found. Out of which one trains left from Bangalore Cantt. (BNC), two from KSR Bengaluru (SBC), and six from Yasvantpur Jn (YPR) to Kolkata Jn. (MAS)
Bangalore to Ahmedabad Bangalore to Chandigarh Bangalore to Chennai Bangalore to Delhi Bangalore to Hyderabad Bangalore to Lucknow Bangalore to Mumbai Bangalore to Pune
Bangalore to Kolkata all trains Get found
Showing search result for Bangalore Jn to Kolkata Jn all trains Plan your journey today without hassle.
There are one mail express, seven superfast express, five holiday special train and duronto trains express train are running between Bangalore Jn to Kolkata Jn .
These train are connecting Bangalore to Kolkata in twenty nine hours to thirty eight hours..
One mail express train is running only on Monday weekly.
One duronto is running five days (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri and Sat) weekly.
One Superfast is running all days (Monday to Sunday) weekly, one superfast is running on three days (Wed to Fri) on weekly, Two superfast are moving on Wednesday and four superfast are moving on single day (Mon, Tue, Thu and Sat) weekly.
Train No | Train name | Train type | Runs on | From | Dep | To | Arr. | Travel time |
22501 | SBC – NTSK SUPERFAST EXP | SUPERFAST | TUE | SBC | 3:10 | HWH | 14:00 | 34:50:00 |
22818 | MYS – HWH SF EXP | SUPERFAST | MON | SBC | 3:10 | SRC | 14:03 | 34:53:00 |
22888 | YPR-HWH HUMSAFAR EXP | SUPERFAST | THU | YPR | 9:55 | HWH | 18:30 | 32:35:00 |
22864 | YPR-HWH AC EXP | SUPERFAST | WED | YPR | 11:00 | HWH | 16:25 | 29:25:00 |
12246 | YPR – HWH WEEKLY DURANTO | DURONTO | MON, TUE, THU, FRI, SUN | YPR | 11:00 | HWH | 16:45 | 29:45:00 |
12253 | YPR-BGP ANGA EXPRESS | SUPERFAST | SAT | YPR | 13:30 | HWH | 22:40 | 33:10:00 |
12864 | YPR HOWRAH EXP | SUPERFAST | ALL DAYS | YPR | 19:35 | SRC | 5:43 | 34:08:00 |
12509 | SBC -GHY EXP | SUPERFAST | WED TO FRI | BNC | 23:40 | SRC | 10:03 | 34:23:00 |
15227 | YPR-MFP EXP | MAIL EXP | WED | YPR | 23:55 | SRC | 13:08 | 37:13:00 |
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