Delhi to Pune trains
Delhi to Poona trains – all trains are found. All train left from all Delhi location – six from Hazrat Nizamuddin (NZM) and one from New Delhi (NDLS) to All Pune Location – eight for Pune Jn (PUNE).
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D e l h i to P u n e all trains found.
Showing result for Delhi Jn to Pune Jn all trains Plan your journey today without hassle.
7 Trains found from Delhi Jn to Pune JnTrain No.Running onTrain TypeDepBoardingArrivalDestinationJourney Hour12148  NZM-KOP EXPRESSThuSuperfast5:10Hazrat Nizamuddin6:25Pune Jn25:15 Hrs
MonSuperfast5:10Hazrat Nizamuddin6:25Pune Jn25:15 Hrs
Mon,ThuDuronto Express6:16Hazrat Nizamuddin2:10Pune Jn19:54 Hrs
Tue,SatSuperfast8:15New Delhi11:05Pune Jn26:50 Hrs12630Â Â NZM-YPR SAMPARKRANTI EXPWed,FriSuperfast8:30Hazrat Nizamuddin11:05Pune Jn26:35 Hrs
DailySuperfast15:15Hazrat Nizamuddin16:55Pune Jn26:40 Hrs
FriMail/express21:40Hazrat Nizamuddin18:25Pune Jn 26:45 Hrs |
One mail express, one duronto and five superfast trains are running between Delhi to Poone and connecting in twenty hours to twenty five hours.
There are seven trains are running from Delli to Pune, out of which one superfast is running daily.
Explore more on journey, top holiday destination, bus ticket, air ticket and discount hotel room.