Kolkata to Pune trains
Kolkata to Pune trains – all trains are found. All train left from all Kolkata location – two from Howrah Jn (HWH) and one from Santragachi Jn (SRC) to All Pune Location – three for Pune Jn (PUNE).
Howrah to Pune all trains found.
Showing result for Howrah Jn to Pune Jn all trains Plan your journey today without hassle.
3 Trains found from Howrah/ Santragachi to Pune | ||||||||
Train No. | Running on | Train Type | Dep | Boarding | Arrival | Destination | Journey Hour | |
12222Â Â HWH-PUNE DURANTO EXP | Thu,Sat | Duronto Express |
Howrah Jn | 9:40 | Pune Jn | 27:55 Hrs | |
Sat | Superfast | 18:00 | Santragachi Jn | 2:45 | Pune Jn | 32:45 Hrs | |
Daily | Superfast | 22:10 | Howrah Jn | 7:05 | Pune Jn | 32:55 Hrs |
One duronto and two superfast trains are running between Kolkata to Pune and connecting in twenty eight hours to thirty three hours.
There are three trains are running from Howrah/ Santragachi to Pune, out of which one superfast is running daily.
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