Pune to Chandigarh trains
Pune to Chandigarh trains – all trains are found. All trains left from all Poone Location – eighteen from Pune Jn (PUNE) to all Chennai Location – six for Chennai Central (MAS) and three for Chennai Egmore (MS).
Poone to Chandigarh all trains found.
Showing result for Poone Jn to Chandigarh Jn all trains Plan your journey today without hassle.
1 Trains found from P u n e to C h a n d i g a r h | |||||||
Train No. | Running on | Train Type | Dep | Boarding | Arrival | Destination | Journey Hour |
22685Â Â YPR-CDG EXPRESS | Thu, Sun | Superfast | 9:00 | Pune | 15:50 | Chandigarh | 30:50 Hrs |
One superfast train runs between Pune to CDG and connects in thirty hours.
There is one train running from Pune to Cdg on Thursday and Sunday.
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